Install Software Three Ways#

To complete this lab you’ll install software that implements three different servers.

Install Apache using apt#

Using apt on the command line to install software is easy!

$ sudo apt install apache2 

Update to enable TCP port 80 through the firewall:

    ports = ["22", "80"]

Verify that you have Apache running by visiting:


Take a screenshot

Create a Node.js App#

These lab instructions are derived from the official Node.js getting started page. In order to run a Node.js application you have to install the nodejs package.

$ sudo apt install nodejs

Nodejs doesn’t do anything by itself. You have to create a server program for it to run. There’s an example server in the public repository. On your VM check out the repo using git:

$ git clone

Change to the example directory and run the server:

$ cd cis-91/hello-nodejs
$ node app.js

Update to enable TCP port 3000 through the firewall:

    ports = ["22", "80", "3000"]

Don’t forget to apply!

Verify that you have your Node.js app running by visiting:


Take a screenshot

Create a Python app with Flask#

Flask is a framework for making server side programs with Python. These instructions are derived from the Flask Quickstart. Python is installed by default on Ubuntu but the flask library is not. Start by installing flask using the pip python package manager.

First install pip :

$ sudo apt install python3-pip 

Now use pip to install flask:

$ pip3 install flask 
$ source ~/.bashrc

Important: Access the flask command.

Installing flask with pip requires that you modify the $PATH variable. You must log out and back in to update the PATH. You only have to do this once.

There’s an example flask application in the class repository. You can use the copy you cloned in the previous step.

$ cd cis-91/hello-python
$ flask run -h -p 5000 

Update to enable TCP port 3000 through the firewall:

    ports = ["22", "80", "3000", "5000"]

Don’t forget to apply!

Verify that you have your Flask app running by visiting:


Take a screenshot

Turn In#

Turn in the three screenshots of your servers on Canvas.


Don’t forget to terraform destroy your resources so you don’t get charged!