Setup GitHub#

This lab takes you through the steps for getting working with GitHub.

Step 1: Create a GitHub Account (If Necessary)#

GitHub accounts are free and you are required to have one because you need to get the code in the class repository.

Step 2: Create and Install your SSH Keys#

There are full instructions for Connecting to GitHub with SSH on GitHub’s website. The keys you created in the first week can be reused by either copying them onto your Arya machine or by using SSH agent forwarding.

Agent Forwarding

You can use your SSH keys on Arya without copying them to your Arya VM. I have not tested the process on Windows or Mac machines.

Step 3: Fork my Repository#

Follow GitHub’s instructions on how to Fork a repo. My repository can be located here:

Step 4: Clone Your Fork#

After you have forked my repository your copy will be available in your account. Follow the instructions on Cloning a repository on GitHub’s site. You will copy a GIT link that will look something like this:


Verify that your link starts with git@ NOT https://

In the home directory of your cloud shell run the command:

$ git clone

You should see a new cis-91 directory. Open that directory in your cloud editor.

Step 5: Set Your Git Identity#

The git program needs to know who you are. Run these two commands, substiuting your information:

$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global

Turn In#

  1. Your GitHub user ID

  2. A screenshot of the checked-out repository in vscode (or Cloud Shell Editor).